
Bike Stations

Continuing on my earlier comments on ways to make Houston friendlier to cycling, the Phoenix area is to open its first bike station in downtown Tempe.

Bike stations, already popular in Europe and places like California and Washington State, provide a central location featuring cycle-related services, showers, lockers, etc and allow cyclists to rent space to store their bikes. Many have 24/7 security, security cameras and require key card access to reach secure areas. Some actually have individual bike “lockers” where the individual’s bike is completely secure.

The Millennium Park Bike Station in Chicago

Bike Station in Long Beach California

I envision a public-private partnership where stations are located within or near transit stations or centers. Ideal locations for initial stations could perhaps be located in or around Rice University and the University of Houston. Perhaps the city could partner with the universities in order to better cater to students. Another possible location would be in or around Montrose, ideally in conjunction with a stop on the University Line (if that line ever gets built).

Such stations, of course, require city planning and a strategy to be receptive and accommodating to cyclists. Phoenix, a city with many of the same issues and problems as Houston (sprawl, poor public transport, automobile culture), is taking that step. So should Houston.